07 May Out of Wedlock and out of order
I love God. I love God. I love God for many reasons. One of the reasons I love him is for his loving kindness and his long-suffering. I’m here because of his long-suffering. I could not be here if it wasn’t for his long-suffering. He gives me more chances than I deserve. He’s merciful. He’s patient. He’s loving.
If you lived to be 86 years old, count how many seconds there are in 86 years, that’s how many chances he gives you to repent. He’s long-suffering. Even when you take the good he’s allowed in your life and make a mess of it, he gives you chance after chance to repent and make it right by faith. He’s merciful. He waits on you. He pursues the ones he loves. When you go astray he comes looking for you.
We know all about the goodness of God, but we should also know this about God: “He is not fit for us to try and take advantage of him”.
God forgives those who repent. He doesn’t forgive those who say I’m sorry and then continue in their sins with no intentions on stopping knowing God will forgive them.
That’s called taking advantage of God’s grace. We all need God’s grace. For times we fall accidentally, and for the times we fall premeditatively. You know you’re going to sin. You planned it out. I’m going over to my bf’s house to have sex. I’m going out Friday night to get drunk. I’m going to the strip club after I get off work on Saturday. We need grace. But God’s grace only goes so far. Don’t think Gods going to keep forgiving you for the sins that you keep freely committing.
Some of us have lifestyles that are committed to sinning, like fornication. You have no intentions on stopping, but you ask God to forgive you. You have no intentions of not stealing and lying, but you ask God to forgive you. Fornication is running rampant in the Church. We have more people having babies out of wedlock now then we did at any other time. There are a million different forms of birth control to prevent a pregnancy from occurring. So how can we have a pandemic of children being born out of wedlock?
Medicine has gotten better. Vaccines have gotten better. Technology has gotten better. Contraception has gotten better.
But more children than ever before, are being born out of wedlock. There was a time when having a child out of wedlock was a disgraceful thing. But it’s become so prevalent in Church now that if a Pastor preached hard on it, they would almost guarantee to empty their congregation.
The demographics in Church have changed tremendously
The demographics in Church have changed tremendously. Women make up the majority of the people going to Church. Most of them have kids that were born out of wedlock. So if the Pastor preaches on this sin, he runs the risk of running those off who make up the majority of his base. No different than a Politician who’s afraid of offending this base, although he knows what he needs to tell them and what they need to hear.
So he allows them to feel “comfortable”, even though comfortable is slowly killing them. The word of God is not convicting them because the word in its true form is not being preached to them.
That is the first failure. A vast majority of people are not reading their Bibles on their own to receive wisdom from God on how to navigate their lives. This is the second failure. This is a recipe for disaster, including children being born to unwed Mothers and Fathers.
We have glorified being a single Parent, more specifically a single Mother, and have made Marriage an optional choice. Since the majority of Church congregations consist of women, it makes sense that the message is a message that is suitable to the demographics which are women.
Pastors have stopped being Pastors and have started being motivational speakers. They migrated over to the business of telling people what they want to hear, and not what they need to hear!
When a woman who says she loves Jesus, is having her third child out of wedlock and no Husband, everyone says “congratulations”. They tell you what you “want” to hear, not what you “need” to hear. Babies don’t come from the sky by way of birds like in the cartoon. The baby got here because you had sexual relations outside of marriage. The Bible doesn’t even call it sex.
The Bible calls it Fornication. When your married it’s sex, when your not the Bible calls it Fornication. The act is wicked in the eyes of God. So how can an act that is wicked in the eyes of God, produce a reaction of “congratulations”!
Congratulations for what? Breaking God’s law? Grieving God’s spirit? Crucifying Jesus on the cross all over again? What exactly are we congratulating? Unmarried babies being born into dysfunction. Women being raised to believe it’s alright being unmarried and single with children. Who’s telling them this? Other women. Who’s not telling them this is wrong? Their Pastor.
That’s why the Bible tells us to study the word of God to show ourselves approved in 2 Timothy 2:15. You can’t blame your Pastor forever. Or your Daddy. Or your Mother. Or your Brother. Or your Sister. Or your Teacher. Or your children. At some point you need to start taking responsibility. You. Not me. Not them.
For a lot of women, it’s easier for her to raise four kids than it is for her to keep one Husband. Single Mothers are one of the biggest, if not the biggest demographics in Church today. There’s no Husband which means there’s no cover. There’s no cover so there’s no spiritual accountability.
I’m not saying a woman without a Husband cannot be spiritual, but a woman without a Husband has no spiritual covering in the home leaving her vulnerable and susceptible spiritually and physically. 2 Timothy 3:6 explains the state of where we are as a Church right now. 2 Timothy 3:6 says “For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts“.
The majority of these women do not go to Church because they desire a close relationship with Jesus, these women go to Church to satisfy the lust they have in their hearts. Why are there so many women in Church seeking a Husband, but not preparing themselves to be a good wife?
They will tell you they would make a good wife. Even the women with 2 kids by another man will tell you they would make a good wife. I have yet to find a woman with kids from another man say they would not make a good wife. There must be a line drawn between what is suitable versus what is acceptable. A woman who has kids by another man, who is fortunate enough to find a devout man to cover and marry her, has found favor in the eyes of God.
That man should be honoured. This is an acceptable thing for the man, but it is not suitable. That Man if he desires, is entitled to seek out a woman with whom he can have kids of his own, and raise his own, if he so desires that. This is the original order of God. It is suitable and preferred.
If the Man desires the suitable choice which is preferred, he should be honoured
If the Man desires the suitable choice which is preferred, he should be honoured because he has chosen the suitable option. If he decides to choose what is acceptable, he should be double-honored, because he has chosen to tend a garden thick with thorns. But God’s order and what is honorable and right in his eyes, is an offense.
Who is addressing these concerns? Why are these things prevalent in the Church? Are we not suppose to be the salt of the Earth, and examples of a people set apart by God? Why is it that our women are unmarried and unmarriable? Many seek to be honored for being single Mothers, but not dishonored for failing marriages.
Being a single Mother is not an honor, it is tragic. It was destroying lives long before covid came into our existence. We have the vaccine but people refuse to take it. The only time a woman was expected to be a single Mother was if her Husband died forcing her to be widowed.
Having a child outside of Marriage was a sin. Was and is. It was never a celebration for breaking God’s law. This can only happen in the Church when the word of God has been diluted, creating diluted worshippers. Forever going to Church, but never coming into the fruition of what it means to be holy. The Church has even abandoned it’s oath and commandment concerning women with children.
Any woman with a child or children who the Church accepts as a member, is responsible also for participating in the care of that person. Part of the tithe was also for the aid and care of widowed women who could not provide adequately for themselves and their children. Some may say, that is not fair. Why should the church have to step in and help a woman who is unwed with children economically, especially if her Husband or that Man was an unbeliever?
I would agree with you. But isn’t it also not fair, when a woman who has little, pays tithes to the Church out of obligation? Should this not work both ways? We are one body. And we cannot choose who to help and who to neglect if they are abiding members.
If a Church can afford a Jet, surely it can’t afford to help those in the Church who are in need. We as a body have shifted those duties off onto the state, and made that their responsibility. This has freed up funds for lavish spending, on things such as expensive cars, costly suits, mansion houses and private planes.
Many of these women receive government subsidies and are not able to take care of themselves, yet use some of these very funds to tithe into the Church. They have become dependents of the state, and the Church has become dependent on their money from the state.
Satan is an active participant in the destruction of Marriage and Family
What good is a Man who is not willing or able to lead, provide, or protect? Is he not fulfilling his purpose in the Lord? What good is a Woman who is not willing or able to support, nurture, bring forth children or be led? Is she not fulfilling her purpose in the Lord?
Women today are more educated and financially well off then they’re ancestors, but are far less fruitful then they’re ancestors were. As women became more independent financially then their predecessors were, they replaced their need for a Man with their Jobs. They have forsaken the spiritual leadership and cover that a man provides, for college degrees and high salary compensated jobs.
Whoever supports the Woman economically becomes the covering for the Woman. If she makes a high enough income to support herself, she becomes her own cover and provider. If she is being supported and taking care of by the state, then the state becomes her cover and provider. Most of these women don’t marry a Man because they have already wed themselves to the state.
They take more pride in raising their children out of wedlock, then they do in having a Husband with a Family. You cannot dress up sin. Being a Mother of multiple children by one Man or multiple, is not an accolade. It is sin. Sin is what led to that position. You cannot rearrange it any other way.
This is not a message of Judgement, this is a message of warning. The Bible says that satan disguises himself as an Angel of light. False prophets and teachers will arise with great knowledge, and other worldly ideas, and even bring forth miracles that if it were possible, they would deceive the very elect, Matthew 24:24.
2 Corinthians 11:14 says “Do not marvel, for satan transforms himself into an Angel of light“. This means that he is cleverly deceptive. He is a planner, just like God. He brings in ideas that seem good on the surface, but they are always aimed towards breaking God’s orders and God’s commandments.
One compromise leads to two, two leads to three, and three leads to another Gospel and another doctrine, which Paul warns us about in Galatians 1:8, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed”! And the Gospel is this:
In the Beginning God made Man and Woman. Man and Woman disobeyed God and sinned against his Holy and Righteous law. They were then at that time judged by God and sentenced to eternal spiritual death. Not only them but all of their offspring as well who would come and sin after them.
God and Christ seeing the fall of Man before the foundation of the World, agreed that Christ would go down and be the propitiation for all of mankind. That means, he would pay the sin debt we all owe God with his own life. He would take the righteous judgment and wrath of God for all of mankind in order to bring us back into relationship and right standing with God the Father.
To receive this Grace, the person must first admit their guilt before God and acknowledge that the death and resurrection of Christ was needed in order for them to be reconciled back to God in right standing. This is what God did. Any man speaking against the crucifiction and resurrection of Christ and its power to forgive all sins is accursed!
Any Man or Woman who knowingly speaks against the Gospel and the order of things in which God created, is accursed! If the majority of the women in Church are unmarried, and the majority of the Pastors speaking to them are more concerned about their tithes then truth, it is easy to see why the Church turns off many.
If a woman comes to you and says “It is a good thing that I raise a child by myself without a Husband or a Father because I am suitable enough”, let them be accursed. These are the silly women that are led away in 2 Timothy that Paul speaks candidly about. They turn their ears up and away from truth, but they stretch them wide to hear soft talk and compliments.
Show me a woman who says “it is better or an honor to have many children and be unwed” and I’ll show you an unbeliever. Show me a woman who says “it is better and preferred to be unwed because the state provides for my sustenance”, and I’ll show you an unbeliever. Show me a woman who says “I’m smart and make a lot of money so I deserve a man of great stature”, and I’ll show you a foolish woman who does not seek a devout man.
They are double-minded. Their mouth says one thing, but their heart lusts for another thing. “Send me a Godly man, but one who has the ability to satisfy my lust for the worldly things I desire”! As if they cannot buy these things themselves to satisfy their lust, they seek a man who will also satisfy their worldly lust, making them even more wicked!
They do not respect a Man who is Godly. They only respect a Man who is over them financially. They do not honor the fruits of the spirit. They honor the highest fruits of labor, and the fruit that they bring.
They look at the Man who lusts after the things of God with contempt. The way the intellectual looks at the common man, though they themselves are common. Most devout Men do not seek the riches of this world, but God bestows great riches on the devout Men he chooses. It is God’s choosing, not the mans.
Lack of accountability increases sinful behavior. The word of God holds the believer accountable. If the offender is not reading their Bible, then their Christian peers will hold them accountable. If they have no Christian peers who they fellowship with, their Pastors preaching will convict their conscience and hold them accountable. If the Pastor is neglecting to teach truth for fear of losing his tithe offerings, then sinful behavior will go unchallenged.
The Church today is full of believers and people who go unchallenged, and so they continue in their sinful behaviors unchallenged. The world is their cheerleader in their evil doings.
Having a brother or sister in Christ who loves you is extremely important. They love you when you’re wrong, they love when you’re right. When you’re right they celebrate and exhort you, when you’re wrong they rebuke and uplift you.
Where is the rebuke? Where are the ones who took an oath before God to serve his people? Why do they remain silent on these clear areas of sin? It is because their interest is not the salvation of God’s people. Godly rebuke is beneficial to all. It uplifts the body of Christ and holds us to a standard of living. This standard brings us into closer relationship with Christ.
This closer relationship makes our lives Holy, and an acceptable gift to God. When you see a person who is obese or morbidly obese, there is something that is out of order in their life. When you see a woman who has multiple children out-of-wedlock by one or many men, there is something out of order in that person’s life.
They have not disciplined their bodies into submission from sexual activity. They are in bondage to physical pleasures. If a person who is obese is in bondage to terrible food habits, then is an unwed woman with multiple children not in bondage to fornication? Yes. Sin brings forth undesirable results long lasting, and pleasurable results short term only!
Followers of Christ, we must uphold the standards in which we have been giving. We must turn away from false Teachers, Preachers, Prophets, Apostles, Healers, Ministers, Deacons, Speakers, and the like, who seek to preach a gospel of peace and unaccountability that leave you dark, and to a life of corruption.
Women of God will play a very important role in today’s Church, because they are the ones who are the largest targets of erroneous doctrine and philosophies. Because God did not gift them with the same level of discernment as he did Men, they are challenged in spotting the wolf who hides himself in with the sheep. Just as Men are challenged on how to be nurturing.
This notion that we don’t need one another is a doctrine from satan. God said “It is not good for the man to be alone”. Either’s Gods a liar, or that statement that’s been thrown around for over 30 years now is a lie! If you don’t need a man, then you don’t need Jesus either. He was a man. One hundred percent God and one hundred percent Man.
He had all the faculties of both. He had flesh like a man. Needed to eat like a man. Needed to sleep like a man. Needed to use the bathroom like a man. Needed water like a man. But had all the creative power of God. “Who can this be, that even the wind and the seas obey him“? That’s Jesus.
We have failed to teach our women on how to be a Godly woman
God is looking for Preachers and Teachers of truth. We need Godly mature women to help raise young Godly women in the ways of truth. Not shake their heads at them. Not wave their fingers at them. But to teach them and bring them up in the ways of the Lord. If we don’t put correct doctrine in them, then they’ll go out in the world and adopt someone else’s. This has been our failure as a Church.
We have failed to teach our women on how to be a Godly woman, not just an educated woman. We failed to teach them how to be Godly wives and Godly mothers. We’ve placed more importance on sacrificing their time and energy on going to college to get a degree, then we have on them getting close to God to figure out what he wants for their life. He’s God ain’t it? We belong to him don’t we? Then doesn’t he have a say in what we do with our lives?
2 Timothy 2:2 says “Join me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus“. Paul speaking to Timothy. It is time for us to suffer like good soldiers for Jesus Christ. We must speak the truth and endure the backlash that comes with it. We must make people uncomfortable by speaking the truth.
I challenge you today to share this message with someone you know needs to hear it. The thing about the word of God is that it separates and divides those who say they love God, from those who actually follow God. Those who love God get convicted, submit, and repent. Those who don’t love God get angry, prideful, and reject sound doctrine.We are seed planters and waterers, but it is God who is responsible for the harvest. I pray that this message will reach the ears of those God has intended. Share this message with someone and never cease practicing to put God first. Until next time God Bless!
Posted at 16:11h, 10 SeptemberThanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.