Faith-based Christian Living Blog | Live By Faith, No By Sight
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WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Greetings Brothers and Sisters. I hope Gods Grace has been evident in your lives. It is always there, but I hope and pray that you have felt it, though feelings are fleeting, we are human, and Gods Grace is always present, whether...

Welcome to the third and final installment of the Book of Jonah lesson series.  I am blessed to have you on this journey with me.  We see at the end of the second chapter in the book, that Jonah's pride has been broken. God has...

Welcome back to the second part of the lesson on the book of Jonah. If you haven't read part one I encourage you to read that lesson first. I believe the Holy Spirit will tie everything together, to fit perfectly like a glove. Even though...

Thank you God for redeeming me. I'll admit, that even at the age that I am now, I still suffer with acceptance. There's still a part of me that always feel like I have to earn Gods love. That I have to do something in...

Are you pressed in your life right now? Is there something in your life that is pressing you? Who reading this knows Jesus through your suffering? How many know Jesus through your victories? As successful as Paul's ministry was, there were several moments when Paul...

I'm so happy for anyone who has come back to read this second part of the series of "Do not date people you are not equally yoked with''. This time I will dive deeper into a more intimate side of an intimate relationship. I wanna...

We serve a creative God. He's creative. Creativity is a part of his nature. He doesn't know how not to be creative. We can look at creation itself and see God's creativity at work. He created insects that can jump out and scare you if...

Today I believe Christians are lonelier than ever. And I don't just mean as it relates to relationships with other people. The closer we get to God, the more peculiar we appear to be to others. There are really not a lot of places to...

God said to satan, "Have you considered my servant Job" in Job 1:8. God called Job his servant. You can only be God's servant, if you are serving him in the way you live your life. In the way you treat other people. God says...